The past two years were filled with industry pressures, shifting markets, and evolving client expectations. Wealth Professional’s 5-Star Advisory Teams for 2022 took on these challenges and transformed them into opportunities to evolve and grow. Harbourfront Wealth Management, parent company of Oakwater Wealth Counsel, is included in the list.

With uncertainty rising across the globe, Canadians are increasingly relying on advisors to help them manage their finances. In light of this, three-quarters (76%) of respondents to an IPC-commissioned Environics Research survey said they rely on their advisor’s guidance to be financially successful in the future, and two-thirds (65%) said an advisor would help them stay on track to achieve their investment goals. With that in mind, it’s become more crucial than ever for brokerages to support advisors with market commentary and intelligence to inform their portfolio views.

To find the 5-Star Brokerages of 2022, Wealth Professional requested applications from brokerage firms across Canada and invited candidates to explain how they were excelling in key areas such as culture, compliance, training, and technology. To be eligible, each firm had to be a full-service brokerage with a minimum of three locations.

Winners were judged by the substance of their nominations, based on specific examples of outcomes that were achieved and the relevant data to support their claims. The WP team carefully reviewed each nomination, examining how each brokerage had made a meaningful and tangible difference in the financial services industry.

To read the full article, click here.

Harbourfront Wealth Management was one of Wealth Professional Magazines 5 Star Brokerages for 2022. Wealth Professional is a free online information resource for all Canadian advice and planning professionals. This is not a paid award Harbourfront Wealth Management is not a sponsor.

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